Bruce Law Firm — The Woodlands, Texas

Family Law and Divorce Attorney Serving Montgomery County, Harris County and the Surrounding Communities

Attorney Lisa LeDoux Bruce has over three decades of litigation experience and is a certified family law mediator. Lisa formed the Bruce Law Firm in 2007, and is committed to providing the highest quality legal services to family law clients in Montgomery County, Texas, Harris County, Texas, and surrounding counties.

The Bruce Law Firm provides comprehensive, capable and compassionate representation to clients involved in family law matters, including:

  • Mediation
  • Divorce Litigation
  • Complex Asset Valuation and Division
  • Marital Property Agreements (Prenuptial and Post-Nuptial)
  • Parentage Issues (Establishment and Termination)
  • Child Custody and Possession Issues
  • Modification Issues
  • Child Support Disputes
  • Enforcement Actions

Family law processes are often confusing and frustrating, and the outcomes have far-reaching implications for families. Our goal at the Bruce Law Firm is to bring a reasoned approach to each case, implementing strategies unique to each client’s situation and guiding clients with a “hands-on” approach and responsive communication.